In the era of economic disruption, there are changes in the use of labour in production, trade and service activities. Artificial intelligence technology produces automation systems that threaten blue-collar workers and those with high educational qualifications and skills (white-collar).
While the disruption poses threats, on the other hand, it also creates opportunities. Therefore, disruption is responded to by mitigating the threats and increasing the chances.
A clear line is that economic disruption will decrease the number of workers employed in a business unit. Hence, multiplying the number of business units is necessary to defend the number of jobs.
In the year 2019, Indonesia had 65.47 million business units. About 98.67% were micro-enterprises, 1.22% were small enterprises, 0.10% were medium enterprises, and 0.01% were large enterprises.
The doubling of the number of business units means that it increases the opportunities for citizens to go into business. This doubling naturally involves entrepreneurship, market opportunities, access to capital and technology, supply chains, packaging and marketing.
Furthermore, it designs Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to be more involved in production and service activities. This model has a more significant impact on the economy than if most MSEs are in trade only.
The next is to scale up more Micro Enterprises to become Small Enterprises and Small Enterprises to Medium Enterprises. Likewise, Medium Enterprises leap to become Large Enterprises. []